Hello, Our cat Bruce is over grooming his leg until it bleeds. I’ve tried cortisone …

Our cat Bruce is over grooming his leg until it bleeds. I’ve tried cortisone shot, Valium, (both which I didn’t want to do but was desperate)
I have tried no chicken in his diet, and various hotspot sprays. He is extremely active and healthy in every other way. Loves to go outside and play with all the neighborhood cats. He showed up as a stray on our doorstep. His skin was fine. He got his tests and shots and was neutered in November. Skin issues started in January. He is little over a year old. I have him on a homeopathic drop for skin allergies and itching. Hopefully it will help. Any ideas??

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Krista Magnifico
1 year ago

Hello my friend! As with all skin cases the following is super important. 1. Get a good history of the patient and their clinical signs. 2. Do a thorough examination 3. Treat for parasites. 4. Start your diagnostics based on most likely rule outs. 5. Offer treatment plans that work for the patient the pet parent and your list of most likely diagnosis. Here’s where I think your cat needs more help; it doesn’t sound like a list of most “likely conditions” work up and diagnose has been formulated to start a treatment plan that is best directed at the… Read more »