Hello Pawbly friends today I have a few questions today about my female dwarf hamster I …

Hello Pawbly friends today I have a few questions today about my female dwarf hamster I just realized 2 days ago when I put her on the floor to run around she falls over her back legs yes she can still walk but falls over with ever couple of steps and I have put a video below of her walking and I did some research and found that it could be possible 2 things and I think it might be cage parallelism so I have been doing what online said and giving her plenty of exercise also she has always had a wheel and tubes in her cage but has stop useing them and no longer runs in her ball so I put her on the floor to run for her exercise when I touch it she does not seem like it hurts and she is eating and drinking fine but is their anything else I can do to help her since I don’t have money for a vet please help and also I found a small bump near her private area which I also put a picture of below

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