My dog is a 45 lb. German Shepherd mixed with American Terrier 7 year old…

My dog is a 45 lb. German Shepherd mixed with American Terrier 7 year old suffering from something that I don’t know. This started about 4 months ago and has progressed to the point to where he constantly needs a cone on. He cobstantly agressivly licks his underbelly to the point where it has become raw and times the area is red and swollen and others its is just leathery looking. Sometimes the area is moist and has a foul odor.recently he has started scratching his nose to the point to where he bleeds and when he is pet he favors those ares.please refer tot the pictures I have included. The vets gave him steroids and antibiotics buy that didn’t seem to help.We have also changed his food as recommended by the vet but nothing changed. the skin scrape of the area also came back negative for bacteria and mites. It sucks that I don’t know what the cause is, please help.

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Boogaloo Jones
Boogaloo Jones
9 years ago

Is it in the same area? I haven’t resolved the issue as of now, but I plan to find a better vdt but price is a real paid almost 300$ and have found out nothing concrete.

Jonathan Crockett
Jonathan Crockett
9 years ago

My friend has the same problem have you resolve this problem