Hello! Please advise… My kitty is Teddy Bear, she is 8 months old and she was spayed …

Hello! Please advise…

My kitty is Teddy Bear, she is 8 months old and she was spayed on April 14th. She developed a small bump/lump around her incision area today (April 24th). It is squishy like a water-balloon, not hot, or painful to touch.

My kitty is acting VERY normal, has not lost appetite, wants to be active and extremely playful. Bowels are normal too.

I have provided a photo of her incision and the small lump that developed (she is laying down here so the lump may not be too visible, but is approx. one inch). If anyone can please advise?

Thank you so much for your time and assistance!

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3 years ago

Hi there- It may be a seroma- which is not dangerous and with time, can go away on its own. You may want to call the vet and explain the situation to see what they say. Having said that, I would still monitor it very closely. I assume that she is on or was on antibiotics? When is your follow up visit to your vet? If it is soon and everything stays relatively the same, you should be safe to wait until then to speak to the vet. If anything changes, pain, lethargy, warm to the touch, etc. I would… Read more »