Hello! I have a puppy named Chico, he’s a Japanese Spitz. He’s only 4 months…

Hello! I have a puppy named Chico, he’s a Japanese Spitz. He’s only 4 months old and he’s a really healthy dog. He eats a lot, he drinks a lot. However since 2 days ago, he hasn’t eaten anything. He doesn’t want to eat anything, he drinks water though. But he really doesn’t want to eat. Whenever we gave him food, after a few hours, he’ll vomit that food that he ate. We think it’s dehydration, but just like what, I’ve said awhile ago, he likes to drink a lot of water so I don’t think that he’s dehydrated. Since 2 days ago, he has lost around 4 pounds I think. We’ve tried giving him electrolyte like Gatorade, we’ve also given him metoclopramide, and dextrose also. But he always vomits his medicine after a few hours also. What should I do? Please help me, he’s really gloomy.

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Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Based on your puppies age I have to urge you to go to the vet immediately. Any illness or disease in a puppy this young can be and should be regarded as an emergency. I worry about parvo, parasites and a slew of other things that can be dangerous and even deadly if not addressed quickly. Dehydration kills puppies. Quick. Please see a vet immediately.