Hello, my 4 year old Staffordshire Terrier all of a sudden has become sick and…

Hello, my 4 year old Staffordshire Terrier all of a sudden has become sick and we don’t know what is going on. He has suddenly started to cough which ends with him gagging. He doesn’t want to eat and just lays around sleeping. Occasionally, he will get the shivers. He has still been drinking water and will still go out to use the bathroom. I just hate seeing my little ball of energy looking so tired and miserable. I’m wondering if it’s kennel cough that has progressed or something of the sort. Anyone have any opinions or ideas of what it could be or what I can do to help him? We have very limited income right now.

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Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Hello, I’m sorry but there isn’t enough information to provide any reliable or credible direction. Your pup really needs to see a vet ASAP. I just don’t know anything about your dog to help you otherwise. At my clinic an exam starts at $50. From there we often work with a very limited budget. The sooner your vet sees your dog he better. Also the longer you wait the more serious the condition may become which worsens the prognosis and the budget. Please look into carecredit or see if any of your local rescues or shelters offer low cost options.… Read more »