Hello there. My cat has had an ear infection for over two years now and has …

Hello there. My cat has had an ear infection for over two years now and has been treated with antibiotics over and over but it will not go away. Just about a year ago the vet removed a few polyps from my cats ear and throat and we thought for sure that’s why the antibiotics weren’t clearing up the ear infection, so we have done more ear infection treatments since the polyps have been removed but it’s still infected. My cats ear is stinky and water flys out of my cats ear when he shakes his head. I am so over antibiotics, we have literally tried every kind. Is there a home remedy out there anyone has had success with? Please help.

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3 years ago

Hello, I just found your question. Have you found a solution for your cat yet? We had a cat at our shelter, that was found with an infected mass inside their ear canal. The mass was removed, but it wouldn’t get better. It was smelling bad and pus could be seen. When the mass started growing back, his whole ear canal was removed. Maybe that is an option for your cat, too? It helped Tony a lot. No more itchy, smelling, hurting ear. Altough he had to war a cone during healing, but after that he was the happiest cat.… Read more »