Hello, I am wondering if any of the vets or anyone who has encountered this could give me an idea what …

I am wondering if any of the vets or anyone who has encountered this could give me an idea what might be going on with my 10 yr old Corgi. He was coughing and spitting up water sometime after drinking water but he started coughing worse a couple days ago and sometimes phlem (white,yellow or water) comes up. He isn’t in contact with other dogs but our family had the flu and pnemonia a couple weeks ago.

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

I’m sorry but this is so vague to offer much assistance. It is best that you see your vet. I think a thorough physical examination to include ausculting the heart and lungs and a very good overall whole body exam is in order. It might also be helpful to take a chest X-ray for things like pneumonia and megaesophagus and maybe even blood work to include low thyroid. My point is that there are numerous possible causes and until you start ruling some in or out it is a guess at best. I hope this helps.

4 years ago

Hi there-
To be safe, I would call the vet and have it checked out.

4 years ago

Run, do not walk, to the nearest vet who can do an echocardiogram and 24 hour holter.

Sharon Gainer
4 years ago

I have a 13 year old (best estimate because he was a rescue) Chi that needs a dental, but he has CHF. He takes 2.5 mg of Enalapril daily, and 12.5 mg of Lasix daily. Would it be safe for him to have a dental?