My cat has dried blood at the edges of his nose. Why? He hand his…

My cat has dried blood at the edges of his nose. Why? He hand his sister were given to us as kittens and she does not have this. They have their first felvshot as well as one other shot, no boosters and no other shots as we became unable to afford the bills of the only vet in the area. Otherwise they are both eating and drinking well, playing and active. They are 1 and 1/2 years old. He has no other health issues we know of just this cake black stuff at the edges of his nose that looks like dried blood. What should I do? And we have no money for an expensive vet bill. We have asked about a payment plan but they will not do that for us, and they are the only vet clinic around. We do not have a car.

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8 years ago

i posted an answer here