Hi there my hamster Isabella she is about 5 months old. This moring she was…

Hi there my hamster Isabella she is about 5 months old. This moring she was acting still put had her cheek full of food I came home and she was like not moving but her nose was going, I took her to my mom and my mom put her in a towel because my mom though my room was too cold and after a couple mins she started acting fine and now she’s running around but her eyes were a little blood but now she’s acting normal I read up on hibernation and it kinda sounded like that could be it?

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Brandi Hine
Brandi Hine
8 years ago

Please help someone she’s acting normal now kind Of, biting cage and was In her food bowl, was it because it was to cold for her? Just worried don’t want to lose my hamster, she is drinking, she didn’t want to eat the second time I found her the first time her cheeks were full and at first she didn’t want nothing only she took was a peanut. Tried carrots and cucumber didn’t want them. After she was in towel for a few Mins she came back into it, her eyes did have like blood on them? She’s very young… Read more »

8 years ago

How cold *was* it in the room?