Help please I’m stressing out . Is this going to happen again? He has been peeing …

Help please I’m stressing out . Is this going to happen again? He has been peeing
Playing, eating but I noticed he’s only peeing 1 or twice
A day is that enough? He is drinking water I need to know how to palpatate his stomach ???? I’m not able to afford much more I cannot find a affordable vet in vero beach I’m running out of options ???? I’m going to take him back if I can’t get a solution before he blocks again. I have never dealt with this. I have had female cats .

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Krista Magnifico
1 year ago

Hello, It sounds like he is doing well now. And while I realize that you are stressed I don’t think returning him while he is well is in his best interest. There are a lot of things you can do to prevent and prepare for any future episodes. You could find an online group to help educate and support you. Or ask to volunteer or work at a cat clinic to help understand how to monitor and care for your cat. Also reach out to your vet for advice. Stressing out and surrendering him don’t help you or his situation.… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Krista Magnifico