Help me PLS! I have a litre of 8 pups that r 4weeks old…

Help me PLS! I have a litre of 8 pups that r 4weeks old today. The runt has all of. A sudden gotten a leg lump on right side of his neck below his ear, he is unresponsive, won’t take bottle or. Eye dropper and I think he is going to die!

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Charlene Kane
Charlene Kane
9 years ago

Any time he moves his head he yelps loud and I feel HORRIBLE for poor lil guy! I got him wrapped up and holding him trying to get some baby formula into him but not having much luck! Could b a bee sting since I had them out in backyard for first time today but I was with them the hole time, for like a half hr, or maybe momma stepped on his neck accidentally!?!? I dunno but I feel helpless an he’s in pain, almost like party listed!!

Charlene Kane
Charlene Kane
9 years ago

i took him to the vet and she said he had strangles, drained the large lump on his neck below his ear and gave us medicine, but now the lump is TWICE the size, he is having trouble breathing, keeps sneezing, coughing, weak, im so scared he cant breath and he is gonnadie, he’s only 4 weeks old. of course its sunday nite and there is no vet open…..

9 years ago

he needs an emergency vet.