I need help. My westie is almost 13 and she’s been suffering with recurring UTI’s…

I need help. My westie is almost 13 and she’s been suffering with recurring UTI’s for a little while now. She also has a bad ear infection. She’s tired. And i can’t stand to see her hurting anymore. I need help and advice on when euthanasia should come into the question. I’ve never done this before and i need all the help and second opinions i can get. this is my baby and i can’t watch her suffer. i also don’t want to put her down if she still has any value of life left. please help. please

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Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Has your vet done bloodwork, X-ray, urine culture and sensitivity and an ultrasound ? I suspect the answer to the recurrent UTIs lies within these diagnostics.

Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Hello, I’m sorry to hear about your pup. I would say a few things are important to mention. 1. Call everyone to try to be seen by the neurologist sooner. Call and ask to be put on a cancelation list. So if they get an opening they can call you and get you in sooner. Call your closest vet school and try to get in there. 2. Ask about getting your mds filled via your pharmacy. Gabapentin is cheap here. About $30 for a two week supply. If you can’t get it cheaper ask about tramadol or an online pharmacy.… Read more »