Hey I have a pet cat named haru who is acting strange lately. She have given …

Hey I have a pet cat named haru who is acting strange lately. She have given birth two days ago to just one litter but she isn’t taking care of it rather than feeding and nursing her 4months kitten keeping them wram. If I moved the litter else where she immediately run and return it to it’s formal place she also try to grab her 4 months kittens to the place where she have given birth and if they don’t go there she run after them. Thank you. Has my cat gone insane

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Krista Magnifico
1 year ago

I would guess that your cat is trying to tell you something. I would also guess it has something to do with being stressed out about having to take care of so many kittens. Why is she still with her fist litter and having a second? That’s too many mouths to have to worry about.

Do you have any resources available for spaying and neutering? I feel that these domestic pets are often trying to take care of so many babies they cannot relax and just be happy as a pet to keep you company.