Hey, my 11 month, 5 week pregnant cat, suffered a very high fall yesterday, after she managed to …

Hey, my 11 month, 5 week pregnant cat, suffered a very high fall yesterday, after she managed to escape from the house, and she returned with inability to walk properly on both her back legs, and i suspect it is a pelvic fracture, I’m a broke college student and Cannot afford a surgery, what limited research i did online made to think that euthanasia is the only solution, but I’ve been constantly monitoring her, she is comfortable, resting in her favourite place, she is purring, i fed her with a syringe and gave water to her the same way, i kept her litter box near here, and she did get up and pooped in it, what can I do, please help me save my baby????

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1 year ago

If you cannot afford proper care, please consider surrendering her for adequate care. She needs to be seen by a vet immediately…ESPECIALLY if she’s pregnant!

1 year ago

Depending on how the pelvis is broken, it can recover without surgery. You’d need an x-ray to see how it’s broken and if it can recover without surgery. She will need pain medication and her movement needs to be restricted. The problem is: she is pregnant. Giving birth with a broken pelvis is not only extremely painful, it can kill her and/or the kittens. She may not be able to push them out herself, or they may get stuck. So even if she does not need surgery right now, she may need a c-section. She needs to be monitored closely… Read more »

Krista Magnifico
1 year ago

Hello. I’m sure this isn’t what you are hoping for.. but my advice is: I strongly recommend that you have your cat spayed now. If she suffered a pelvic fracture she may not be able to deliver the kittens and they will die inside her which will kill her. She also needs to be in a cage 24/7 no exception. If she is rested in a cage for 8 weeks the bones should heal. (I have never had a young cat heal), but I am serious about the cage rest and the spay. I know you are worried about finances… Read more »