Heya! I have desperate questions regarding UO for my 10 month old kitty! My kitty was in …

Heya! I have desperate questions regarding UO for my 10 month old kitty! My kitty was in the hospital for three days in IV fluids and catheter treatment. His levels improved and they released him yet his urine was still bloody, according to his doctor. After catheter removal, how long does it take for my kitty to return to a normal restroom routine? And will my kitty have some symptoms of his sickness continue? (slight shivering, crying out, licking his bits). He is going to his restroom frequently but is producing decently amount of urine; quarter sized to palm of my hand amount. He is also eating and drinking water. How long until his inflammation clears up around his area? And when should I see him back at the vet? I’m trying to be patient but I can’t stand to see him in pain 🙁

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Krista Magnifico
5 days ago

I cannot answer this question other than saying if he isn’t doing well you should recheck with your vet. I do thee following for my UO kitties. Pain meds; zorbium and gabapentin. Antibiotic: usually convenia and I teach families how to give sq fluids at home. I also teach them how to palate the bladder and put them on a canned urinary prescription diet.

Of the bloody urine persists take an Xray to look for a stone or an ultrasound to look for abnormalities in the bladder.

Good luck.