We took her to a Vet and he told us that it could be bone…

We took her to a Vet and he told us that it could be bone problems such as arthritis, or a broken bone, but recently I noticed that she started off with the pain in the back right paw and and it transferred over to her front right leg, does anyone have any past experience with this with their dog?

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Edgar Disz
Edgar Disz
8 years ago

She has not gotten an x-Ray, our Vet gave her some medication for us to give her and they seemed to help her with the pain, and he also gave her a shot to calm the pain for 12 hours, and thank you for your response

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

I would worry that your pooch took a fall from a grooming table, or twisted something while being groomed. I would ask the vet if this is likely – and would have a conversation with the groomer. Ask the groomer if they noticed any thing wrong, or if something happened while your dog was there. Accidents can happen – don’t assign blame, but explain that knowing if something happened will help your vet diagnose the problem.

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

Ok I’m really not sure I understand exactly wha happened.  However, I think what happened is she was normal before grooming and not after.  This makes me think she got hurt at groomer.  So, she may have arthritis but it was an injury that made it more painful.

So, likely the pain will be lessened in time and if it hasn’t gotten better in 7 days I would return to the vet.

Good Luck

Dr D