Hi again! (Ref: Penny & Sampson) I asked about switching from raw food last week. I …

Hi again! (Ref: Penny & Sampson)
I asked about switching from raw food last week.
I don’t know what food is best. One site says, kibble is over processed and has very little nutritional value because of the high heat used. Then there is organic and non gmo but dehydrated or freeze dried keeps more nutrients but I can’t find a dehydrated food that is also organic. They (mainly Sampson) did not do well on any of the kibbles and both gained weight even on the prescription diet food. I would cook for them but I’m afraid I wouldn’t give them all the nutrients they need. I tried to find a nutritionist on line but no success. I welcome any suggestions you may have. Who knew finding good nutritional options for your pet would be this difficult. Just want them healthy and to live a long like.

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, I know that food is hard. It is hard because the labeling parameters are essentially a joke and the manufacturers make it confusing. There are lots of good articles in the AAHA guide or you cab go to the veterinary nutritional college specialist page and see if they lost anyone locally. I know Virginia tech vet school has a few nutritionists on staff. Some do phone consults too. I am happy to tell you that I do the purina EN, it is very similar to science diet I/D and add deli fresh to it. I also do strict portion… Read more »