Hi all hopefully someone can help us. Shemp is 16 years old is a black DSH cat. …

Hi all hopefully someone can help us. Shemp is 16 years old is a black DSH cat. I’ve had him since he was a kitten. Always with a hearty appetite and chubby started to lose weight. I took him to a Vet, she did blood tests and said his kidneys might not be at 100% and it was normal at his age. Oh, in February, 2020 he suddenly went blind but everything else seemed normal. She never said he might have (CKD) and never advised getting him on Sub Q. IV’s and a Hill Prescription K/D diet, he was still eating and drinking water but started to get very picky. He became dehydrated losing more weight, i took him to a vet and said we need to get him on IV’s which we did, i am administrating the Sub Q fluids myself to try and jumpstart his kidneys again in my van that we live in 50ML 3 times a day and he has improved and is stable. Issue is he’s stopped eating and i feed him the K/D through a syringe and he’s stopped going “poopie” so ive started giving him enemas and it did help get rid of some backup. He’s now bloated and not peeing as much as he should. Should I stop the IV’s as he must have a blockage in maybe both urinary and bowels as he’s not passing anything on his own, just a little pee. The vets here in Clovis, nm dont seem capable of treating this and super overcharge. Ive had Shemp since he was a kitten and i really believe its treatable. Please help, i live in a dodge caravan and can drive anywhere to get help for him. Thanks

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Krista Magnifico
3 years ago

It sounds a like it might be kidney disease, hypertension and maybe even hyperthyroidism. It also sounds like you might be better served by a cat specialist. If they are available. I am afraid that your cat might have such an advanced case of these that it might be difficult to turn around. The prolonged accumulation of these can cause severe muscle wasting and make everything else hard to manage.