It’s like he is chewing the space between the pads. I’ve checked and there is…

It’s like he is chewing the space between the pads. I’ve checked and there is no irritation or redness. I’ve had him almost 2 years and he started this a few months ago. Nothing has changed in my yard (weeds, grass, etc.).

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Amy Metrailer
Amy Metrailer
8 years ago

Thanks for this info!

Amy Metrailer
Amy Metrailer
8 years ago

Thanks, I just thought it was weird that it started after living here a while. Guess I’ll get him checked out by a vet!

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

You can take him to the vet as recommended – however I suspect that the vet will tell you that it is most likely he has developed an allergy to something.  Most likely mold spores this time of year what with the damp and cold.  And most of my dogs develop their allergies at about 2 years of age – so your dog is completely normal. I recommend that you rinse off his feet when he come in – that will keep him from tracking the allergen around the house and into his bedding, etc.  I use a shallow tub… Read more »

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

There is a new study out that indicates that for dogs with mild allergies, swimming every day does as much for relieving the symptoms as does any prescription drug. They believe it removes enough allergens from the dog’s body that the dog’s immune system can then deal with the allergy.

Lisa Pfab
Lisa Pfab
8 years ago

things in the grass do actually change, some weeds ect are not always in bloom and will not bother them. I have something in the yard in the fall that makes one of my three’s feet itch.

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

It sounds like an allergy.  I recommend taking to the vet for evaluation and treatment.