He’s either 7 or 8 years old now.

He’s either 7 or 8 years old now.

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Zep Uy
Zep Uy
8 years ago

He has it on his elbow and near his rectum. Thank you 🙂

Zep Uy
Zep Uy
8 years ago

Thank you so much. Will surely try to find one.

Zep Uy
Zep Uy
8 years ago

Since he is a guard dog, he stays out on his cage reason how he got those calluses i guess.

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

How awful for the dog. What kind of life is that? There is a huge difference between dogs that have been trained to guard and dogs that are being abused by people that say, “this dog is here because it is guarding my home”. If a dog has not been trained to guard then being kept outside on surfaces that cause sores and calluses that is just abuse. Plain and simple. You need to either start respecting this dog’s needs, or you need to give him up to an organization or person that can give him the life he deserves… Read more »

8 years ago

Where is the callus located? If on the feet, I’d make sure it isn’t a corn (I don’t know if Rotties get corns), and I would invest in Musher’s Secret or bag balm.

If anywhere else, consult a vet first.

8 years ago

near his rectum? that’s…strange. that would warrant a vet visit in my house.

if it’s on his elbow, does he have soft things for a bed? when i see elbow callus, it tells me the dog is lying on hard surfaces like dirt, concrete, and tile.

8 years ago

that’s…not a good life for a dog.