Hi Christina,i recently bought two baby chicks.should i vaccinate them?and what special measures should i…

Hi Christina,i recently bought two baby chicks.should i vaccinate them?and what special measures should i take to take care of them?what do you recommend?

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Christina Chambreau
Christina Chambreau
8 years ago

I am not an expert on chickens, nor am I familiar with specific chicken diseases that may be endemic in Bangladesh. Some chickens thrive merely eating a wide range of food scraps and foraging for insects. Most chickens do not thrive when kept indoors. In general I do not recommend vaccines for any species. I have done some research to find out about poultry diseases in Bangladesh and have not found anything specific, so I have compiled some possible references, even one in India.  In general I do not recommend vaccines and do recommend having a relationship with a homeopath… Read more »