Hi Christine Remines here. Sampson’s ears were bothering him so we cleaned them. They were …

Hi Christine Remines here. Sampson’s ears were bothering him so we cleaned them. They were dry and itchy so I put some dog nose moisturizer on them. Now they are swollen like they may have hematoma. Emergency vets on your answering machine … one has an 8-9 hour wait and the other isn’t seeing patients what should I do?

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4 years ago

I don’t know the answer but wanted to know how his ears are today. Better, I hope?

Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

I’m sorry I just got this. I am happy to call tomorrow and assist with this. I hope things are ok. I am at rhe clinic tomorrow and I am happy to fit you in. I sorry I was having my own pet emergencies last night.