Toby is a 3.5 month old tabby.
It’s not too bright in my apartment.
He’s eating…

Toby is a 3.5 month old tabby.
It’s not too bright in my apartment.
He’s eating well, pooping well, chasing around after things — seems to be in very good energy.

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Zack Whittaker
Zack Whittaker
10 years ago

Toby is a 3.5 month old tabby. It’s not too bright in my apartment. He’s eating well, pooping well, chasing around after things — seems to be in very good energy.

Kate McKelvie
Kate McKelvie
10 years ago

As Adam said, it could be an infection, or there could be an injury to the eye.  Eye problems can worsen very quickly, and taking Toby to a vet will keep things from snowballing!

Squinting indicates pain or discomfort…

Adam Wysocki
Adam Wysocki
10 years ago

Hi Zack, In my experience having rescued many kittens around Toby’s age and younger I’d guess that it’s an eye infection. It’s pretty common in kittens that age (especially if Toby is a rescue) and may actually be a symptom of something else such as a respiratory infection.  Young kittens with immune systems that are still developing are more susceptible to infections than older/adult cats. The great news is that if it is an eye infection, a trip to the vet for an exam and antibiotics will clear it up in no time. If it’s something other than an eye… Read more »