I spoke to an ER vet and she suggested withholding food for 24 which…

I spoke to an ER vet and she suggested withholding food for 24 which I did from Sunday morning until Monday morning. Her feces was light brown and accompanied by undigested red blood twice. Today her feces is dark brown (darker than usual), but no undigested blood and I don’t think there was any digested blood (black blood).

My dog, Kayla, is a usually healthy 12 year old mutt. I checked her temperature rectally yesterday and it was 100.3. Using the pinch test between her shoulder blades, she does not seem dehydrated. I have also felt her gums for dehydration and they are just slightly sticky, but they are a normal color. I am monitoring her water intake and that is normal.

I also started her on liquid probiotics yesterday. Just a little mixed in with the chicken and rice. I realized that I was over-feeding her the chicken and rice on Sunday morning when I spoke with the ER vet so I have drastically reduced her feeding when I starting feeding her again this morning (Monday). I am just giving her a tablespoon of the mixture every couple hours.

My questions are when should I start to introduce her dog food back into her diet and do you think it is necessary to visit the vet? I know it is always a good idea to visit the vet, but last time Kayla had an upset stomach, it ended up being close to $500. Thank you!

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Ashley Ridout
Ashley Ridout
9 years ago

Thank you all for your help! I went to the vet today and since she is still healthy, the vet bill was only $150. I received an antibiotic and an anti-diarrhetic. I am so thankful that you took the time to answer my concerns. I thought I could get her back to normal the old-fashioned way, but you all were right and I am glad I visited the vet. Hopefully the meds will clear things up 🙂

9 years ago

The main question here is – has the diarrhea stopped? If it has, the problem might have “blown over.” If it continues, comes back, or anything else crops up such a lethargy or vomiting you do need to see a vet.

Tom Tom
Tom Tom
9 years ago

Go to the dog doctor