Hi my dog has been in labour for 13 hours now and no sign of…

Hi my dog has been in labour for 13 hours now and no sign of pups how much longer should I leave her before calling the vet please

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Lisa Pfab
Lisa Pfab
8 years ago

what size is your dog? do you know how many puppies? I think you are getting into the time I would be calling my vet.

no Blood?

Frankie Delise
Frankie Delise
8 years ago


Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

I would call your vet for advice, but in my opinion I think the dog needs seen ASAP!

8 years ago

I would go to the vet right now, if there are no pups yet. 13 hours is a long time. Call your vet and tell them the situation.