He has also been hugging his toys too and for some reason he’s starting to…

He has also been hugging his toys too and for some reason he’s starting to scrape his feet more and more often everyday, thanks guys!

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Angelina Wu
Angelina Wu
8 years ago

Thank you, I think i can maybe correct his behavior, and I am already used to the scraping feet thing 🙂 🙂 He has stopped humping and now he is trained to stop doing that! Thank you everybody!

Angelina Wu
Angelina Wu
8 years ago

This all helped, thanks to everyone, I did train him to stop and he does not do it anymore, thanks!

8 years ago

he’s a puppy, right?  he’s humping.  you need to train him to understand this is not appropriate behavior.

as Dr. Ferara said, the foot scraping is normal.  get used to it. 🙂

have you started obedience with him yet?  if not, please do…and while there, discuss the humping with them.  i’ve asked a friend near DC for suggestions – she’s in Severn but owns a grooming shop in your area, and should have some ideas of good trainers to contact.

8 years ago

she suggested these folks: http://mybffpetservices.com/

8 years ago

he’s a bit young to be neutered. should wait at least until he’s 6 months old or older.

8 years ago

in another post she said she bought him at a puppy store down in Chantilly. i know this store doesn’t sell adults.

8 years ago

Expect him to forget this training. You will have to remind him from time to time.

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

Get him neutered.  Then correct his behavior – I usually make a sound, “Acch!”, then redirect his behavior to something I like, such as fetching a ball, or tugging on a rope.  This teaches him that you don’t like that rude behavior, and that this other behavior is much better!   I rehomed a dog after his owner died – no one in her family wanted him because he spent most of his day humping pillows.  I took me 3 days to stop the behavior for good.  First I gave him a long walk every day – one hour in… Read more »

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

I didn’t see anywhere in the post how old the dog is…did I miss that? I agree that it is better to neuter after 6 months, and before 1 year old.

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

The reaction after urination is normal and is the result of them trying to spread their scent to mark their territory. 

As far as the mating behavior, it can be simply a sign of dominance but if he is not neutered it could also be a mating action.  Getting him neutered can help with this behavior