Hi Dr Krista, my 14 year old male cat’s BUN is 40 mg and Creatinine is 2.3 mg. …

Hi Dr Krista, my 14 year old male cat’s BUN is 40 mg and Creatinine is 2.3 mg. Calcitriol is suggested. I wonder your opinion of using Pet Wellbeing kidney support gold instead (it’s a natural remedy) and changing his diet for a month and rechecking? Is a high or low protein diet suggested? Thank you!

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, As with all patient treatment plans they need to be specially tailored to your pet based on a huge number of factors. It is not appropriate for any vet outside of your vet to recommend a diet or treatment plan as your vet knows your and your pet and the rest of us do not. Your vey can refer you to a specialist or ask for help from a veterinary nutritionist. I can say that I typically like to do a full chemistry and a urinalysis in these patients and I always repeat them a few weeks later to… Read more »