today she was running through bush chasing squirrels
when we called her she came running towards…

today she was running through bush chasing squirrels
when we called her she came running towards us “lop-sided”; looked as if hind left leg wasn’t working
it was not any kind of limp I’ve seen before; the leg didn’t look being favored but looked not working, not providing the right support properly
Cookie sat down while we were going to try to see what’s going on
meanwhile she heard another squirrel and dashed off back into the bush again
looked like the leg wasn’t quite right but she didn’t seem to care
we then fetched and leashed her and after short time everything seemed fine until the time of this writing 4:19PM
often problems resurface after some rest so I’m concerned what she’s going to look like after longer rest; so far she seems perfectly normal again, though

Seeing a vet tomorrow but hoping for some comforting thoughts on what the heck it could have been … ?

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