Hi Dr Mag I noticed alittle over a month ago my cat (Zedicus aka Boo Boo) …

Hi Dr Mag

I noticed alittle over a month ago my cat (Zedicus aka Boo Boo) was sneezing alot and sound like he was snoring when he was up. I took him to his VET where he was diagnosed with polyps. My vet referred me to a specialist for a rhinoscopy. In the process of searching for a reasonable priced specialist. I discovered your youtube page while doing research so I could be better prepared and I had to rush Zed to the ER b/c one night he woke up vomiting up foam. Once we got to the ER he was fine. I had the ER vet take xrays and told them what my Vet said. The Dr vet didnt think it was polyps but perhaps allergies or asthma. She prescribe Clavamox for 2 wks and to revisit the Vet and take another x-ray. The medicine helped the runny nose but nothing else. I’m getting frustrated because I don’t want my cat to suffocate and seems no one really knows what’s wrong with him.

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, I’m so sorry that this has been so frustrating. I think the best advice I can give is to call all of your local rescues and shelters and ask them who they use for cases like this. They know the local affordable and reputable places where you might get better direction. Also ask about a feline specialist. They too are more direct and often helpful. You need a vet willing to work within your budget and concerns who is able to give you meaningful assistance. It is the best place to start I think. Best of luck. Let us… Read more »