Hi Dr Magnifico . . . . first, thank you for catching our pony that got loose earlier this summer. …

Hi Dr Magnifico . . . . first, thank you for catching our pony that got loose earlier this summer. I still can’t believe she ended up 4 miles away! But she has stayed put since. I am writing because your front desk told me to reach out to you on here. We are going to be changing vets. Our current small animal vet is just too pushy with trying to sell me everything under the sun, but mainly I have concerns with our one dog going there. He is a 5 yo pitbull. I took him to PennVet Behavioral vet about a year and a half ago upon recommendation of our vet. They diagnosed him with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and prescribed him gabapentin. Our primary vet later changed to fluoxetine and he does really well on that. However, he gets nasty when he’s scared . . . especially at the vet. I muzzle him and feed him peanut butter through the muzzle to try to show him it’s all okay (all recommended by Penn Vet). I give him composure pro prior to the appointment. He is just very scared there and as a result growls and snarls, etc. The current vet is so scared of him she doesn’t even touch his stomach, look in his ears or eyes, etc. I am looking for a vet who can remain calm/reassuring for the dog and show him he has nothing to be nervous about and doesn’t mind completing a thorough exam on him, with his muzzle on of course. Please let me know if you feel your facility would be a good fit for him and which vet we should schedule with. He needs his fluoxetine refilled soon and I hope we can find the right fit before then. Thank you!

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, I am happy I could help. This is a tough one for me because there are so many things that need to be discussed in person to help get the needed information and expectations settled. Have you followed up with the team at penn? Has anyone spoken to you about what other options exist on both the medical and training fronts? My preference is to start with a brief visit outside with you present to see what triggers and options exist and then start a medical plan to find the right combination of both short and long term options… Read more »