What should I feed a 1 month old Chihuahua pup?

What should I feed a 1 month old Chihuahua pup?

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Yazmin Martinez
Yazmin Martinez
9 years ago

Thank you for ur answer I went to tractor supply and got him some puppy formula 🙂 yes he is young buy the momma rejected them 🙁 that’s y he is not with the mom

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Hi Yazmin, have you bred this puppy? One month old is far far too young to leave their mum.

As for feeding……try a puppy milk formula. Do not give cows milk, puppies and dogs cannot digest it.

You could also give some runny baby rice mixed with the puppy milk. At one month old the pup should be able to lap. Once a day you could give a tiny ball of minced steak…and I mean tiny, about the size of a peanut to start with. 

Good luck and I hope the puppy thrives.