Hi! I am interested in doing longer day hikes with our dog. He’s a 3 year …

Hi! I am interested in doing longer day hikes with our dog. He’s a 3 year old Hound mix and easily does 4-5 miles. I want to get him up to about 10 miles for trips every once in a while. What supplies should we take for him? What snacks would be best? How should I increase his mileage? Should I get him used to booties (I think that might be tough though)? Thanks for any suggestions and advice you have.

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4 years ago

Hi there- I think it’s great to hike with your dog- although I have never done 10 miles. I would first and foremost make sure his obedience is up to snuff. Trails can suddenly have multiple dogs on them when a moment ago there were none around, or wildlife can be very tempting… etc. you might want to get a dog backpack to carry water in, which you’ll probably have to introduce to your dog and get him comfortable with. And a collapsible water dish too. And probably a check in with your vet if you haven’t been recently- just… Read more »