Hi, i am wondering if a vet can help me with my dogs on going skin …

Hi, i am wondering if a vet can help me with my dogs on going skin problem, he is losing excessive amounts of hair, fibres and his paws are very irritated, constant chewing and biting his paws. I have tried everything from medicated shampoos like malaseb, omegas, blackmores PAW Nutriderm conditioner, Virbac spot on skin lipids and the dreaded prednisone which we just experienced some very bad side affects. My vet doesn’t know what is going on just keep telling me the same thing to wash them in malaseb 3 x per week for his paws and they say his skin is fine apart from some ATOPY.
Any ideas or suggestions would be very much appreciated.
Thank you

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Krista Magnifico
2 years ago

Hello, There are numerous things that can cause skin issues. For all of my clients I make sure they are on a good diet, good exercise plan and preventatives for fleas and ticks. After that skin scrapes, trichograms, and even skin biopsies might be needed. Also a full blood work and thorough physical exam. It is a long list of diagnostics to identify the root cause. For many people this can be costly so we take a step by step approach. We also try things like Apoquel and cytopoint if we suspect atopy If I can’t find the answer within… Read more »