Hi, I have a 6 year old 17 lb Ragdoll cat that has a problem with his anal …

Hi, I have a 6 year old 17 lb Ragdoll cat that has a problem with his anal glands. Yes, he can stand to lose a little weight. I adopted him when he was 5 years old, and he’s over 6 now. When I first got him, his anal gland ruptured within a couple months. The previous owner admitted he had that happen a few months earlier. I’ve had cats since I was a year old, and I’ve never had a cat with this problem. I don’t trust the vet where I’ve been going to be looking for what’s going on or to help me resolve his issues. Do you know of any good vets in the Los Angeles area (particularly the west side near Santa Monica)? A veterinarian who cares more about the cats than making money? I’m fearful that there is more to this issue or how to treat it rather than just expressing his glands every couple of months.

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3 years ago

Good morning☺️ I have never had a cat with this issue, but we did have a dog who had a ruptured anal sack about 4 years ago. I remember that he was on a couple of different courses of heavy antibiotics after his initial treatment for the rupture to prevent infection and prevent it from happening again. I’m wondering if perhaps your cat might have a similar issue where the initial infection was not cleared up completely which lead to the rupture? Also- if you are on Facebook perhaps you can research and get references for a vet you are… Read more »