Hi. I have a 7 months female husky and she has jaundice symtoms. I’m really stress …

Hi. I have a 7 months female husky and she has jaundice symtoms. I’m really stress to her coz i really love my dog. And I want her to survice to her situation. Is any idea for hime remedies treatment for this kind of symptoms. I kinda scared and nervous on what will happen to her on the nextday. So please of you know some home treatment for her support. Please 🙁

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4 years ago

If you suspect jaundice or some type of liver disease, you need to get to gather vet right away.

4 years ago
Reply to  Carla

I understand that, but the only way to get treatment is for a vet to assess her situation and give a proper and full diagnosis. Please get to a vet right away to get help for your dog.