Hi i have a question i was wondering if the distemper/parvovirus vaccine sold with tractor …

Hi i have a question i was wondering if the distemper/parvovirus vaccine sold with tractor supply store is the same vaccine you guys use on dogs? Is it effective? Have you ever seen any problems? Please give me your honest opinion about vaccinating pets at home? Ive never done this before and probally never will but im just curious i have a family member that does this with his dogs and gives goat dewormer to his dogs

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, This is a great question. One that I face a lot. Here’s my honest answer. Yes. It is the same vaccine. At least it is suppose to be. The problem is that no one will validate it with any credibility. The manufacturer won’t and the seller won’t. If it is not handled, shipped, store for given properly the chain of reliability is broken and no one takes responsibility. Also no one who relies upon it to be valid will take it at face value. Another words if you bring me vaccine records for your pet and you bought and… Read more »

4 years ago

I know someone who lost her puppy to distemper after a series of shady vaccinations using only what was available at Tractor Supply.

If you love your pets, don’t use vax from Tractor Supply.