Hi I have a two year old Chihuahua and she keep getting fleas I give her …

Hi I have a two year old Chihuahua and she keep getting fleas I give her treatments after treatments flea baths and they keep coming back what do I do?

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

I never use a flea bath anymore. It has very poor residual effect and in most cases they are pretty toxic ingredients (in my opinion ). There are much better products available these days. I like Revolution or frontline. It needs to be used monthly if you have a severe flea problem.

4 years ago

Good morning-
Along with what Dr. Magnifico’s advice, I would recommend treating your home as well. Be sure to thoroughly clean and vacuum floors and furniture to get rid of any fleas or eggs. I would also wash bedding, etc. I would keep up with cleaning more often than usual until the fleas are gone. Hope this helps