Hi i was wondering what a good dog food is for liver problems my dog was …

Hi i was wondering what a good dog food is for liver problems my dog was diagnosed with a high liver enzyme and she cant digest regular dog food due to severe diarrhea so ive been making her food myself everyday i boil chicken, rice, parsley, carrots, cauliflower and mash it up and she loves it and we dont have any problems with diarrhea however it gets exhausting and becomes alot of work im looking for a new food that would be good for her even if its a perscription diet im sure i can get approval i love my dog and want whats best for her shes old shes around 12 years old, but yes we dont know whats caused her liver problems i think its old age i use to have her on casars wet dog food and she kept diarrhea and i tried a few other foods for her as well and had no luck i even tried grain free and that didnt help either its frustrating cause at one point she had diareah for a few weeks and i didnt know why i took her to our local hospital a few minutes away and they ran tests and gave her metronidazole finally when i took her off the food she stopped sorry for this long post i just wanted to give all the information to figure out the best food for my baby so i can orser it for her or if you know a brand i can buy over the counter thats good please let me know

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4 years ago

Good morning- your vet should be able to provide you with a list of foods that will be a good choice.

2 years ago

You can feed her bland diet as it is easier to prepare and less time consuming. All you need to do is add 1 ½ cups boiled white rice and ¾ lb (400 grams) extra-lean ground chicken. You can’t use this recipe repeatedly but this one can be helpful in case you’re in hurry. You can visit here to learn everything related to dog food: