Yesterday I noticed she has an inflamed vulva, and today there is brown discharge from…

Yesterday I noticed she has an inflamed vulva, and today there is brown discharge from her urethra. She is normally fairly mellow with bursts of energy (she is a 9 month old pup after all), but today she has slept all day and barely left the couch. She feels warm, but I do not have a thermometer specifically for her so I can’t determine if she has a fever.

I’m not sure if this is related, but yesterday morning and the night before she threw up after meals. She was eating faster than usual because we were visiting a home with another dog, so she wanted to finish eating so they could play. I suspected that was the cause, but I don’t want to leave it out just in case.

There are no emergency veterinarians in or near the small town I live in so I’m very anxious if something is wrong!

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Brenna Routhe
Brenna Routhe
9 years ago

She is spayed, and as far as I know she never had a heat cycle before the operation. Unfortunately I don’t know for sure because I adopted her from a rescue who spayed her before adoption. Thanks for the quick answer!

Brenna Routhe
Brenna Routhe
9 years ago

Thanks! 🙂 I was planning on it, just wanted to get a quicker opinion since she won’t be able to be seen until tomorrow morning at the earliest.

9 years ago

has she gone into heat before?  i’m not a vet, but a suddenly fluffy vulva (and THANK YOU for using the correct term!) and brownish discharge would make me think it’s a heat cycle.

9 years ago

hmm. that was my only thought. it’s possible she’s dealing with a UTI. i’d get her in first thing tomorrow morning unless one of the resident vets pops in with another idea.

Brent Harte
Brent Harte
9 years ago

The vulva is an organ designed to clean its various anatomical structures by creating discharge.  For this reason the discharge itself is not problematic it is the color and odor.  The color and odor indicates the level of infection or presence of unhealthy microbes, UTI, Etc.  I do not have a course of action to recommend, I believe a veterinarian’s diagnoses is required until you more fully understand what this type of discharge represents.  Your dog’s temperature is great measure to the level of immune system activity and infection, so knowing your dog’s temperature now combined with the vet’s diagnoses… Read more »

sonia de Nysschen
9 years ago

can you get hold of a nausea pill .,electrolytes and purbac antibiotics at a chemist