Hi, I’m watching a cat for a neighbor for about a month in my apartment. …

I’m watching a cat for a neighbor for about a month in my apartment. The cat throws up food every 6 days or so. It smells horrible, like raw sewage. I’ve had cats of my own before and I don’t recall any of them vomiting and having it smell as bad as this cat’s vomit. She actually eats relatively slowly, so she’s not inhaling her food in 3 seconds. She’s not that big of a cat, I was told to give her 1 can of Fancy Feast per day ( broken up into 3 feedings per day for that 1 can). She eats it all on the spot, no leftovers. I also give her small handful of dry food when I’m at work for 8 hours so she doesn’t get too hungry during that time. And maybe a few more grains of dry food if she begs me. Dry food isn’t her favorite, but she’ll eat it there’s nothing else. Can anyone offer advice about why her vomit smells like raw sewage? It’s so bad it makes me wretch. She’s basically a happy cat, doesn’t seem otherwise sick or displaying any odd behaviors. Thanks so much for any help.

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Krista Magnifico
1 year ago

There are a few things that this might be.. diet,, maybe try a different food, one that is made for cats with sensitive stomachs, intestinal parasites ( this is determined by sending a fecal sample to your vets office for analysis), or a disease of the gi tract… maybe even bad teeth? My point is that this is a case where a veterinarian should be consulted to help rule in or out, some of these.
Good luck.

Last edited 1 year ago by Krista Magnifico