He’s feathers are ruffled

He’s feathers are ruffled

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Anila Tariq
Anila Tariq
8 years ago

Thanks for the help!

Anila Tariq
Anila Tariq
8 years ago

I took him to the vets and they said he has an infection and he has to have antibiotics but he’s much better now Thankyou !

Kate McKelvie
Kate McKelvie
8 years ago

Something is off. I hope you can get him to a vet that treats avians!

dakoda peterson
dakoda peterson
8 years ago

It’s his feathers are unhealthy looking hi to the vet. If it’s normal he might be bored. Birds are active so you need to give him lots of things to do. Let him work for his food. Make sure to pay attention if it starts chewing on his feathers and hurting himself he’s depressed and sexually frustrated most likely.