Hi, Kirby,my 11 year old cat, has taken a liking to spending the whole day laying …

Kirby,my 11 year old cat, has taken a liking to spending the whole day laying outside on the covered deck. He complains if I make him come in! He and my other cat Cricket have always been indoor only cats, so I have never been concerned about fleas. But now, I’m starting to be worried that he may contract them, even though he isn’t down on the ground. I’m assuming that fleas, as well as ticks, can fly, and I don’t want either cat to be exposed to them. What protection do you recommend? I don’t want to just buy something OTC without asking. Thanks, Maggie

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4 years ago

I would talk to your vet about preventatives for fleas and ticks. And I would treat both cats since one can bring hem them inside to the other.