Hi Krysta, Just recently saw one of your videos regarding IVDD our soon to be 6 yr …

Hi Krysta,

Just recently saw one of your videos regarding IVDD our soon to be 6 yr old Chocolate Lab Bruschi was recently diagnosed with this condition. We don’t know what to do surgery seems out of the question financially. What are some physical therapy practices we can do to help him? Please advice

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Krista Magnifico
1 year ago


I did a very thorough write up on almost every part of this between my YouTube channel and rhe blog kmdvm.blogspot.Com. Search Ivdd. It is important to keep trying to help your pup maintain muscle mass and start re learning how to stand and walk. The first steps of this are managing pain and helping to maintain normal urine and defecation and avoid getting any infection (bladder included). Then as the pain starts to dissipate work on regaining strength and ambulating.