Hi. My cat was diagnosed with a throat polyp, however, my vet does not perform the …

Hi. My cat was diagnosed with a throat polyp, however, my vet does not perform the procedure. They referred to a specialist with the cost of 3k. I live in the western suburbs of Chicago and was wondering if anyone has a referral for a much less expensive possibility. Thank you-

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Krista Magnifico
3 years ago

For reasons I don’t understand it seems like more vets are getting hesitant to even look for a polyp and try to remove it. The best advice I can give is to put out a social media plea via Facebook and Nextdoor and to call all local rescues and shelters to see who has had a patient with this before who might be willing to help affordably. There are vets out there who have done this and will do it again

3 years ago

If you are able to find anyone willing or any helpful information, please post and share????????