Hi, my cat was just diagnosed with some early signs of liver disease. The vet told …

Hi, my cat was just diagnosed with some early signs of liver disease. The vet told me to buy Denamarin tablets and recommend a liver supporting prescription food, either Hill’s i/d or Royal Canin Hepatic Support. When I search for these foods I cannot find anywhere in the US that carries them, they are out of stock or discontinued. The only companies I find that are carrying them are in Europe or New Zealand. Does anyone have any idea of what else I can look for or foods I could make at home to best help my cat without starting a personal international cat food import hobby?

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Pleee call your vet and ask them to help you get these foods. They are prescription based so that may be why you are having trouble getting them. But. They are widely available in the us. I have both on my shelf right now.