hi! my dog is a 3m old shepherd mix and she was attacked by another dog, …

hi! my dog is a 3m old shepherd mix and she was attacked by another dog, she has multiple fractures in her jaw. I was referred by Dr. Trout to UPenn but they’re quoting 6-10k and I just dont have it, I’m very young so no one will lend to me and rescues that I’d contacted basically said they would euthanize because of the costly procedure, shes only a baby and I really want to save her, is there any financial aid for hardships like this anyone can recommend? Dr Trout said to get in contact with Dr. Magnifico and her practice referred me here to get in contact with

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Krista Magnifico
2 years ago

Hello, I’m sorry to hear about your pup. I spoke to two of the vets who are taking care of your dog to try to get a better idea of what kind of injured there are. This is absolutely imperative to try to formulate the cost of treatment. In some cases a broken bone can be more affordably managed by a splint or cast IF very very!!! strict cage rest is implemented for the 6-8 weeks that it takes for a bone to heal. But your pup has a brown jaw which needs to be stabilized very quickly so your… Read more »