Hi! My dog is on the Hill’s Prescription G/D diet, which she fortunately loves. …

Hi! My dog is on the Hill’s Prescription G/D diet, which she fortunately loves. The problem is, she’s a large dog and required several cans a day which is becoming unsustainable for the cost. Is there a low fat, easy on the kidneys, liver, etc. food I could add to stretch the food so I’m not spending $500 a month? Thank you!

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, I absolutely feel your pain. It’s so hard to need something that is prescription only and yet also so expensive. The best advice that I can give is to talk to the vet who prescribed it and ask for other options. In some cases the vet can call the nutritionist vet who works for Hills and ask for help in finding or even making a suitable or almost as good as substitute. This needs to be done through your get though. I wouldn’t want to do anything that might affect your pets health without checking with them first. I… Read more »