I know that he underwent neutering on 7/7 so 5 days ago, he seemed to…

I know that he underwent neutering on 7/7 so 5 days ago, he seemed to have some discharge coming from his incision site. I asked the woman at the desk about it and she said it was ok but he seems lethargic and its still leaking, he doesn’t lick or bite it since he is always sleeping. I’ve kept him with me from the moment I got him because I’m worried for him.

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Ashley Messer
Ashley Messer
8 years ago

Does anybody have any advice?

Ashley Messer
Ashley Messer
8 years ago

I plan to take him to the vet asap. I had just adopted him yesterday and I was so worried but this morning he is active and trying to explore. He seems to be doing better. He isn’t leaking anymore and he was definitely interested in his water again. I called my closest emergency vet last night and they gave me some peace of mind and told me the only real red flag is his disinterest in food but that could be the change in environment since his discharge was clear and he Seems to have no problem in the… Read more »

Ashley Messer
Ashley Messer
8 years ago

Thank Yu, its always Nice to get other furbabies parents opinions since I’m aware I’m am over worrier lol

8 years ago

Has he been to your vet yet?  If not – all new dogs and cats NEED to be seen by YOUR vet for an introductory visit.  Get that done before the end of the week and ask that vet.

8 years ago

Ahh, I understand your worry. 🙂 I’m sure he’s fine.