im trying to be a vetrinarian myself but im just doing my ged for…

im trying to be a vetrinarian myself but im just doing my ged for now do you have a book i could probably study from befor i start college .? or a tip

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Eboni Wright
Eboni Wright
9 years ago

i actually took her and it was just a cheack up i know i need to take her but i was hopeing i could get a home remedy or give her a bubble bath or changer her food i think she is allergic to her food . i asked a vetrinarian but wasint able to reply .

Eboni Wright
Eboni Wright
9 years ago

what could i do for her now tnat wont charge me becouse im not working . thats going to cost me

9 years ago

your cat needs a vet, Eboni.  please try to find a way to get her there today.

9 years ago

yes, veterinary care does cost. however, if your cat is constipated AND has an extremely itchy eye, waiting to see if it resolves is not the wisest choice. your cat needs a vet. you would take a sick child to a doctor…a sick pet needs a vet.

please, find a way to make it happen.

Shradha Dang
Shradha Dang
9 years ago

Hey, as you are still studying, you should take your baby to some other vet for now. Something is clearly wrong with him/her. And it doesn’t seem like you can treat it at home.

Take care